Engineering Academy
The Engineering Academy is a program dedicated to preparing students pursuing careers in Engineering and STEM related fields. The instructional program integrates academic and technical preparation as well as career exploration that emphasizes real world, relevant experiences in engineering technology and design to prepare students for college and career.
The academy provides classroom, laboratory and hands-on experiences through A-G approved courses and offers various STEM related field trips and college/university visitations.
Challenging elective courses are recommended by the College Board as part of a student's high school curriculum if one decides to pursue an AA, BA, MA or Doctorate degree later in life. Also, engineering technology, computer programming and computer code driven mechanical devices (robots) are incorporated in almost every existing career our students decide to pursue.

- The Introduction to Engineering Design course is a foundation course where students apply the engineering design process, math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3D modeling software and 3D printing and document their work in an engineering notebook. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the robotics competition.
- Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics including mechanisms, the strength of structures and materials, and automation in the Principles of Engineering specialization course. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the robotics competition.
- Devices that contain digital circuits are all around us. The Digital Electronics course provides a foundation for students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or circuit design. Students study topics such as combinational and sequential logic and are exposed to circuit design tools used in industry including logic gates, integrated circuits, and programmable logic devices. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the robotics competition.
- Engineering Design and Development is the capstone course of the engineering program. It is an engineering research course in which students work in teams to design and develop an original solution to a valid open-ended technical problem by applying the engineering design process. The course applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the robotics competition. Additional information:
- Courses are aligned to instructional standards outlined by the CDE.
- Courses are a-g approved (d - science).
- Visit the engineering website for more information
[ Lorand Incze ] [ ] [ (831) 796-7600 ext. 2074]